山奥で仲良く暮らすおじいさんとおばあさん。お正月を迎えるためにおじいさんは作った蓑傘を売りに町に行きましたが、一つも売れずお正月の食べ物も買えませんでした。とぼとぼと家に帰る途中に目にしたのは雪で寒そうなお地蔵さまたちでした。日本の昔話「かさじぞう」のかみしばいです。 An old man and an old woman live together deep in the mountains. To welcome the New Year, the old man went to town to sell the straw umbrellas he had made, but he could not sell any of them and could not buy any food for the New Year. On his way home, he saw Jizo statues looking cold and snowy. This is a kamishibai from a Japanese folktale, "Kasajizo.