Japanese compound verbs are verbs that have a new meaning or usage by combining two verbs (e.g. ‘/araidasu/’ (investigate, reveal) is the compound of ‘/arau/’ (wash) and ‘/dasu/’ (put out, take out) ). This dictionary covers 3547 compound verbs that Japanese learners tend to stumble over. Using many example sentences, it explains the various meanings of compound verbs along with their collocations, as well as their derivative nouns. It also has a reverse index that allows you to look up compound verbs by their second verb elements. It is a unique dictionary that has not been available before and is useful in Japanese language education and learning.
〈特色〉 ・「動詞+動詞」の語構成で見出し語(3547語)のイメージが分かる。 ・コロケーション(語と語のつながり)を格助詞ごとに分かりやすくまとめた。 ・結合しやすい修飾語句のコロケーションを意味分類ごとに提示した。 ・時事的な内容や口語表現も取り入れた多彩な例文を収録した。 ・対応する「複合名詞」(「受け付ける」→「受付」など)を提示した。 ・後ろの動詞から引くことができる便利な「後項動詞索引」を付けた。 ・後ろの動詞ごとに語の構造を読み解く「後項動詞解説」を付けた。